Procedure for conduct of Assessment Proceedings electronically in time barring scrutiny cases

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Procedure for conduct of Assessment Proceedings electronically in time barring scrutiny cases

                                                                                                 Instruction No. 8/2017
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue (CBDT)

                                            North Block, N.Delhi, dated the 29th of September, 2017

Subject: Conduct of Assessment Proceedings electronically in time-barring scrutiny cases-Order under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’]-regd.-

As a part of Government’s initiative towards E-governance, Income-tax Department has brought digital transformation of its business processes to a significant extent through the Income-Tax Business Application (ITBA) project which provides an integrated platform to conduct various tax-proceedings electronically through thee-Proceeding’ facility available on it. As a digital platform for the conduct of scrutiny assessment proceedings in an end to end manner is now available, CBDT has decided to utilize it in a widespread manner for the conduct of proceedings in scrutiny cases. This Order covers various aspects of conducting scrutiny assessments electronically in cases which are getting barred by limitation during the financial year 2017-2018.

2. Assessment proceedings in following time-barring scrutiny cases, pending as on 1st October 2017 where hearing have not been completed, would be carried out through thee-Proceeding’ facility on ITBA-

(i)  The time-barring scrutiny cases in seven metro cities namely Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Delhi and Mumbai where assessment proceedings are already underway through the ‘e-mail based communication’ and where assessee is having ‘e-Filing’ account, proceedings in such cases shall be migrated to the `e-Proceeding’ module of ITBA. Towards this end, intimation to this effect shall be issued to the concerned assessee by the Assessing Officer, electronically by 8th October, 2017, as per format in annexure-A. On issue of intimation by the Assessing Officer, the case would stand migrated to the ‘e-Proceeding’ facility.

(ii) In respect of pending time-barring ‘Limited Scrutiny’ cases with Assessing Officers stationed at the place where headquarters of Principal Commissioners of Income-tax are located (excluding the cases falling in para above), an option is now available to the concerned assessees (having an ‘e-Filing’ account) to furnish their consent to the Income-tax Department for conduct of assessment proceedings through the ‘e-Proceeding’ facility of ITBA. The format of communication for this purpose is enclosed at annexure-B. This communication shall be issued electronically by the Assessing Officers to the concerned assessees by 8th of October, 2017. The last date for submitting consent by the assessees through their ‘e-Filing’ account is 15th October, 2017.
Once this option is exercised by the assessee within the stipulated time-frame all further proceedings, in that case, would be carried out through ‘e-Proceeding’. In cases where department has issued letters seeking consent of the assessee, further manual proceedings shall be kept on hold till the assessee has given his response in the matter or till 15th October, whichever is earlier

A brief note on salient features of ‘e-Proceeding’ which would be appended to the above mentioned communications for information of the assessees is enclosed at annexure-C

3. In time-barring scrutiny assessments under ‘e-Proceeding’,the concerned assessees can voluntarily opt out from ‘e-Proceeding’ at a subsequent stage under intimation to the Assessing Officer.

4. Proceedings in other time-barring scrutiny cases which are not covered under Para 2,cases under Para 2 where the concerned assesse has opted for manual proceedings at the initial stage or  subsequently and all time-barring assessments under section lS3A/1S3C of the Act,shall continue as per the existing procedure.Further,specific proceedings in course of all time-barring assessment cases such as proceeding before the Transfer Pricing Officer,before the Range Head u/s 144A of the Act etc. shall also be conducted manually.

5. Some of the important procedural aspects while conducting assessment proceedings through ‘eProceeding’ are as under:

5.1 Inquiry before assessment in electronic mode:For inquiries before assessment in terms of sec 142(1)(ii) of the Act,notice shall be issued electronically and delivered upon the assessee in his ‘e-Filing’ account.While filing the response electronically in compliance with notice under section 142(1)(ii) of the Act,the concerned assessee shall verify it in the manner prescribed under Rule 14 of Income-tax Rules,1962.

5.2 Use of digital signature by Assessing Officer, All departmental orders/communications/notices being issued to the assessee through the ‘e Proceeding’ facility are to be signed digitally by the Assessing Officer.

5.3 Notices/letters/communications to be issued manually only in exceptional situations: The manual issue and service of departmental communications should be invoked only where for any reason it was not possible to get the communication served electronically under intimation (giving reasons) to the Range Head in ITBA.

5.4 Time for compliance:Online submissions may be filed till the office hours on the date stipulated for compliance.

5.5 Availability of facility for electronic submission of documents in time barring situation or where case has been finally heard by the Assessing Officer:The facility for electronic submission of documents through ‘e-Proceeding’ shall be automatically closed seven days before the time barring date.In other situations, upon completion of proceedings, before passing the final order,concerned Assessing Officer,on his volition, shall close the e-submission facility after mentioning in electronic order sheet that ‘hearing has been concluded’.However,if required,in exceptional circumstances,the concerned Assessing Officer may enable further filing of submissions electronically under intimation to the Range Head in ITBA.

Please go through the attached Original Order more details

Procedure for conduct of Assessment Proceedings electronically in time barring scrutiny cases

Disclaimer : We have post this article for information and Education Purpose only, Attached Original Order copy is the property of Government of India and We don’t own this.



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