How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS

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How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS
The e-way bill system has been rolled out on a trial basis from 16 January 2018. For details, please visit
                                                                              How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS
How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS
Introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) across India with effect from 1st of July 2017 is a very significant step in the field of indirect tax reforms in India.For quick and easy movement of goods across India without any hindrance, all the check posts across the country are abolished. The GST system provides a provision of e-Way Bill, a document to be carried by the person in charge of the conveyance, generated electronically from the common portal. To implement the e-Way Bill system, ICT based solution is required. Hence, as approved by the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council, a web-based solution has been designed and developed by National Informatics Centre and it is being rolled out for the use of taxpayers and transporters. To ease the operation of e-way bill generation, the SMS based facility is provided to generate the e-way bills.

The e-way bill is required where movement of goods valued at Rs. 50,000/- or above is involved

 E-way bill Objectives
  • Single e-way bill for hassle-free movement of goods throughout the Country.
  • No need for separate transit pass in each State for movement of goods.
  • Shift from departmental-policing model to self-declaration model for the movement of goods.
Benefits of E way Bill
  • Taxpayers/transporters need not visit any Tax Office/ check-post, generation of e-way bill/movement of goods across States.
  • No waiting time at check-posts and faster movement of goods thereby optimum use of vehicles/resources, since there are no checkpoints in GST regime.
  • User-friendly e-way bill system.
  • Easy and quick generation of the e-way bill.
  • Checks and balances for smooth tax administration and process simplification for easier verification of e-way bill by Tax Officers.
Salient Features of the E way bill Portal
  • The user can create masters of his Customers, Suppliers & Products for easy generation of the e-way bill.
  • The user can monitor e-way bills generated on his account/ behalf.
  • Multiple modes for e-way bill generation for ease of use.
  • The user can create sub-users and roles on the portal for generation of the e-way bill.
  • Alerts will be sent to users via mail and SMS on registered mail id/mobile number.
  • Vehicle number can be entered either by the supplier/recipient of goods who generates the e-way bill or the transporter.
  • QR code will be printed on each e-way bill for ease of seeing details.
  • Consolidated e-way bill can be generated for the vehicle carrying multiple consignments.
Modes of GST E-way Bill generation
  • Web — Online using browser on laptop or desktop or phone
  • Android App on mobile phones
  • API (Application Program Interface) i.e. integration of IT system of user with e-way bill system for generation of e-way bill
  • Tool-based bulk generation of e-way bills.
  • Third-party based system of Suvidha Providers.
  • By SMS through the registered mobile number.

The process to Generate Eway Bill by  SMS through the registered mobile number.

Mobile E-Way Bill is a mobile SMS based generation of the e-way bill. This is meant for small taxpayers, who may not have IT systems and may not have a large number of transactions for e-way bill generation in a day. This can also be used by taxpayers to generate e-Way Bill, in emergency cases like night, for urgent movement of transactions.
The taxpayer may do three activities related to the e-Way Bill system

  • Generate the E-Way Bill
  • Update the Vehicle details
  • Cancel the E-Way Bill

This is a very simple method of e-Way Bill generation. However, the taxpayer has to take care of sending the request for e-Way Bill, in proper format and without any mistake during the data entry in mobile. Otherwise, the E-way bill may be generated with wrong information

To use this method, the taxpayer has to register his mobile number, which is going to be used for e-Way Bill generation, on the web portal. The system enables only for that mobile number of the taxpayer (GSTIN) to generate e-Way Bill for that GSTIN. This facility is also available for the transporter.

Pre-requisites for operation via SMS
To use this service, the taxpayer or transporter has to open the e-way bill portal and login using his/her username and password and go to ‘Registration’ menu and ‘for SMS’ option. Here he/she will be requested to select the user and particulars of the user are shown with the mobile number. The taxpayer/transporter can register maximum 2 mobile numbers for the M-Way Bill purpose.


  • The system will carry out the following validations before processing the request. In case of failure of validation, the system sends the appropriate error message to the mobile number.
  • The system will validate the registered mobile number with the taxpayer/transporter before accepting the request.
  • The system will validate the correct keyword –
    EWBG/EWBT for E-way Bill Generate Request;
    EWBV for E-Way Bill vehicle update Request;
    EWBC for EWay Bill Cancel Request
  •  For generation, the system will validate the correctness of codes for Transaction TYPE – OSUP, OEXP, OJOB, OSCD, ORNK, OFOU, OEOF, OLNS, OOTH ISUP, IIMP, ISCD, IJWR, ISLR, IEOF, IOTH
  • For the generation, the system will verify the GSTIN of the recipient, if 15 chars have been provided.
  • For the generation, the system will validate the HSN Code with the HSN master codes.
  • For generation, the system checks the format of DelPinCode, InvDate, InvNo and
    Vehicle parameters
  • The cancellation is allowed only for the generator of the e-Way Bill.
  • The Vehicle Updating is allowed for the taxpayer who has generated or transporter who has been authorized while generating the e-waybill.
  • The cancellation is allowed with 24 hours of generation of e-Way Bill
  • The Vehicle updating is allowed with validity period as per the distance mentioned in e_Way Bill.
 The verified e-waybill cannot be canceled

E-Way Bill Generation by Tax Payer
This section explains how to use the SMS facility to generate the new E-Way Bill Number
from the E-Way Bill system

Format of SMS request

EWBG, TranType,  RecGSTIN,  DelPinCode, InvNo, InvDate, TotalValue, HSNCode, ApprDist, Vehicle

How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS

Explanation of Parameters

EWBG                –E-Way Bill Generate Key Word – It is fixed for generation

TranType           -Transaction Type – Refer to the Code list

RecGSTIN       –  Recipient’s GSTIN. If it not there, then URP for ‘UnRegistered Person’

DelPinCode     – PIN Code of Place of Delivery of Goods

InvNo                  -Invoice or Bill Number of the document of supplier of goods

InvDate              -Invoice or Bill Date of the document of supplier of goods

TotalValue        -Total Value of goods as per Invoice/Bill document in Rs.

HSN Code         -HSN Code of the first Commodity

ApprDist            -Approximate distance in KMs between consignor and consignee

Vehicle               -Vehicle Number in which the goods is being moved

How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS

Parameter Description with Codes

E-Way Bill Generate
Type of the Transaction.
Codes for Transaction Types
OSUP – Outward Supply, OEXP –
Outward Export, OJOB – Outward Job Work, OSCD – Outward SKD/CKD,
ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known, OFOU – Outward For Own Use,
OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs, OLNS – Outward Line Sales,
OOTH – Outward Others ISUP – Inward Supply, IIMP – Inward Import, ISCD –
Inward SKD/CKD,
IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns, ISLR – Inward Sales Returns,
IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs , IOTH – Inward Others
Recipient’s     GSTIN,     as provided by GST or URP if he/she     is
15 digit GSTIN or URP
PIN  Code
of  the  Place
of Delivery  of  the
Goods  as per Invoice
Fixed 6 digit
Invoice or Bill Number of the
Document of the goods
15     digit
alphanumeric     with allowed
special char /-
Invoice or Bill Date ofthe
Document of the goods
Date in DD/MM/YYYY format
Total Invoice / Bill Value of the
15 numeric value with 2 decimal
HSN Code of the Goods
Atleat 2 digit of HSN Code
Approximate Distance in KMs
Vehicle Number which will
carry the goods
AB12AB1234 or AB12A1234 or
AB121234 or ABC1234 Format

Example #1
EWBG OSUP 29AABCX0892K1ZK 560012
546 10/09/2017
75000.00 1001 234 KA12AB1234
SMS to
This  request
is  to  generate
the  E-Way  Bill
for  outward Supply  of
goods,  with  HSN
1001,  to  recipient
with GSTIN
29AABCX0892K1ZK,  carrying  Invoice/Bill  No 546
dtd:  10/09/2017  of
value  Rs  75000.00
to  deliver  at pin code
560012  through  vehicle
KA12AB1234  and  distance
of 234 KMs
Reply Message
Eway bill       generated        successfully.   E-Way Bill No:
171000000144 and date is 12/09/2017
Example #2
EWBG OEXP URP 560012 A1246
16/09/2017 59000.00
1001 120 MH01XY1233
SMS to
This request is to generate the
E-Way Bill for export of goods,
with  HSN  1001,
to  recipient  with
GSTIN  URP (UnRegistered  Person),
carrying  Invoice/Bill  No
A1246 dtd:  16/09/2017  of
value  Rs  59000.00
to  deliver  at
pin code  560012  through
MH01XY1233  distance  of
Reply Message
Eway bill generated successfully.   E-Way Bill No:
181000000234 and date is 16/09/2017

E-WayBill Generation By Transporter

How to use the SMS facility to generate the new E-Way Bill Number from the E-Way Bill system.

Format of SMS request

EWBT, TranType, SuppGSTIN, RecGSTIN, DelPinCode, InvNo, InvDate, TotalValue, HSNCode, ApprDist, Vehicle

How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS

Explanation of Parameters

EWBT                 – E-WayBill Generate Key Word – It is fixed for generation

TranType           – Transaction Type – Refer to the Codelist

SuppGSTIN     – Supplier’s GSTIN or URP for ‘UnRegistered Person’

RecGSTIN       – Recipient’s GSTIN or URP for ‘UnRegistered Person’

DelPinCode     – PIN Code of Place of Delivery of Goods

InvNo                  – Invoice or Bill Number of the document of supplier of goods

InvDate              – Invoice or Bill Date of the document of supplier of goods

TotalValue        – Total Value of goods as per Invoice/Bill document in Rs.

HSNCode         – HSN Code of the first Commodity

ApprDist            – Approximate distance in KMs between consignor and consignee

Vehicle               – Vehicle Number in which the goods is being moved

How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS

Parameter Description with Codes

E-Way Bill Generate
Type of the Transaction.
Codes for Transaction Types
OSUP – Outward Supply, OEXP –
Outward Export, OJOB – Outward Job Work, SCD – Outward SKD/CKD,
ORNK – Outward Recipient Not Known, OFOU – Outward For Own Use,
OEOF – Outward Exhibitions & Fairs, OLNS – Outward Line Sales,
OOTH – Outward Others ISUP – Inward Supply, IIMP – Inward Import, ISCD –
Inward SKD/CKD,
IJWR – Inward Job Work Returns, ISLR – Inward Sales Returns,
IEOF – Inward Exhibitions & Fairs , OTH – Inward Others
Recipient’s   GSTIN,
as provided    by    GST
or URP  if  he
/  she  is
Registered Person
15 digit GSTIN or URP
Supplier’s    GSTIN,
as provided    by    GST
or URP  if  he
/  she  is
Registered Person
15 digit GSTIN or URP
PIN  Code
of  the  Place of
Delivery     of     the Goods as per Invoice
Fixed 6 digit
Invoice  or
Bill  Number of  the
Document  of  the
15     digit
alphanumeric     with allowed
special char /-
Invoice  or
Bill  Date  of the
Document    of    the
Date in DD/MM/YYYY format
Total Invoice / Bill Value
of the Goods
15 numeric value with 2 decimal
HSN Code of the Goods
At least 2 digit of HSN Code
Approximate Distance in KMs
Vehicle Number which
will carry the goods
AB12AB1234 or AB12A1234 or
AB121234 Format

Examples How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS

Example #1
29AABCX0892K1ZK 560012 546 10/09/201775000.00 1001 234 KA12AB1234
SMS to
This request is to generate the
E-Way Bill for outward Supply  of  goods,
with  HSN  1001,
to the recipient  with GSTIN
29AABCX0892K1ZK,   carrying   Invoice/Bill No  546
dated:  10/09/2017  of
value  Rs  75000.00
to deliver at pin code
560012  through  vehicle
KA12AB1234  and  distance
of 234 KMs
Reply Message
Eway    bill    generated      successfully. 171000002144 and date is
Example #2
EWBT OEXP 29AXYCX0892K1ZK  URP 560012 A1246 16/09/2017 59000.00 1001
120 MH01XY1233
SMS to
This request is to generate the
E-Way Bill for export of goods, with HSN 1001, to recipient with GSTIN URP
(UnRegistered    Person),    carrying    Invoice/Bill    No A1246 dtd:
16/09/2017 of value Rs 59000.00 to deliver at pin code 560012 through
MH01XY1233 distance of 120 KMs
Reply Message
Eway bill generated successfully. 1810000120234 and date is

How to Generate GST E-WAY BILL by SMS


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